
Mamma Mia Anyone???

To all my local fellow bloggers...My Mom suggested having a "Girls night out" and going to see this movie. She and my sisters all went without me (only because we live 1000 miles away) and said it was a must see "girl movie." So...if any of you are interested let me know, but we are leaving Friday for Wisconsin, so it needs to be soon, or I guess I could wait until I get back too!


Scrappy said...

Ooo. Ooo. Ooo. Pick me! Pick me!
I will totally go with you!

salty c-snake said...

What a tease. I don't suppose you're coming to WF to see it?? Enjoy WI

stampwithme said...

YES! I'll probably have to wait till you get back though... IF you can wait that long - Joni

TheSweetMom said...

My mom, sister and I went to see the production here last year down town. I've been dying to see the movie. What fun! If you haven't already gone let's go when you get back!