

Just a random update on what we've been up too...

This little cutie may have those big baby blues wide open here...

However...I seem to find her more like this lately...
maybe she is going through a growth spurt or something??? Last night she fell asleep at 6pm, and woke up at 7am! (but I'm not complaining at all!)
It was Art night at Taylor's school last week...I paid $1 for this awesome piece of artwork entitled "crazy squares"

A few other activities we have had going on is Maddie's dance class... (these next few pics were taken with my phone...thus the poor quality)
One of the fun things Taylor and I do each week while Maddie is at dance, is Taylor picks a place to eat since he goes directly to Judo after dance...it is a good opportunity for him and I to have some one-on-one time.

He is discovering some new treats...like rootbeer floats...and our new favorite place is a self-serve yogurt place called "Orange Tree"
Both kids had dentists appointments...with great results NO cavities!
I didn't get a picture of little Miss since she still cries the whole time at the dentist...she doesn't like it so much. I'm hoping she grows out of it soon. I remember the first time we took Taylor to this dentist when he was 4. As soon as we got out of the car he took off running around to the side of the building! He did not want to go, so he thought he could run away, it was pretty funny...and every 6 months when we pull up to our appointment he says..."remember Mom, when I tried to run away, because I didn't want to go to the dentist?" He has grown up so much since then! Let's hope Maddie will get up on the chair next time without crocodile tears!


Be my {Valentine}

Today was Maddie's class Valentine party. I love the smile on her face when she noticed I was there.
They each got a sugar cookie to decorate...Maddie only eats the frosting.
She did pretty well putting her pizza away...

Probably because she was starving because she wouldn't eat breakfast.

They got a cute little flip book from their book buddies.

She loves it.

Maddie with her teacher Mrs.Reynolds (best teacher ever, btw!)
They also sang their alphabet song...so cute. I only recorded the last little bit because I forgot I have video on my camera, which I am loving! (This is mostly for her Daddy's enjoyment, but you can watch too!)

The kids and I made some Valentine cookies the other night too, yes I'm having to bake a little since Dale isn't around to do it. I am actually enjoying it...a little.
After a long, hard day...Maddie fell asleep on the couch, with her babies close by!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!


Snow Buddies.

Well...not really, it just sounded like a good title.

Because, like I said before...Maddie is like her Momma, and doesn't care so much about the cold and snow.

but this kid on the other hand...
Loves it! And had no problem falling back in the snow when I asked him to make me a snow angel!
She did come out for a few minutes to watch her brother play!
and play he did! Had so much fun sledding until he was wet!
This picture is just because...I know her Daddy will love it as much as I do!
I guess we are in for more snow tomorrow...

I'm done with the cold and winter...bring on Spring please!!!