
Thank heaven he's 7!!!

I can't believe my baby boy is already 7! Where does the time go?
It is amazing to me how fast time flies by...it just seems like yesterday we were living in North Carolina, and you were so little & curious about everything...I guess that hasn't changed! I got a little sad when I was looking through old pictures (which I finally found up in the attic...yay!) and I saw how much you have changed over the years!
You were such a chunky monkey and so happy all the time. You were such a trooper with all the adventures your Dad and I would take you on. In your first year you traveled to Las Vegas, Utah, Washington D.C., Williamsberg, VA, the Smokey Mountains, Myrtle Beach, S.C. (twice), Charleston, S.C., Chicago, and many, many times to the beach. Each time you did so well!
I have enjoyed watching you grow up, and can't wait to see what is in store for you this year! I'm sure you will still love anything Star Wars, video games, Judo, riding your bike & scooter, and learning to roller blade...better!
Here's to another birthday buddy!!! And I hope you are having a blast at Great Wolf Lodge!


Angela said...

What a cute little chunker! I love those baby pics!

Nessa said...

Love all the "flashback" pictures of taylor....so fun. Happy Birthday TAYLOR!!!!

TheSweetMom said...

Happy Birthday, Taylor! You take great pictures!

The Biermann Family said...

He's such a cutie! Happy Birthday Taylor!:)

Kendra said...

Sorry I am late in posting a comment! Taylor was such a cute little baby. I remember how chunky he was and what a stinker he was. It is so crazy that he is such a big boy now! It looks like he had fun for his birthday at the water park though! Love you guys and Happy Doo ha ha Tay!