
Fun with Friends.

The other day a couple of my friends and I took our kids to the Children's Museum. The kids had so much fun, and so did I. I enjoyed watching them explore all the fun things there. They had a little grocery store where the kids could fill their baskets and ring the items up on a cash register, a fire engine, a real cockpit (which was Taylor's favorite), an ambulance, a dentist's chair, bubbles, a school room, the list goes on... This is one of my favorites of all the kids, they got to make a movie and watch themselves in it. Then they got to make their own news show, where they for casted the weather...tornadoes are coming!!!
Taylor following in his Dad's footsteps...plumbing
Maddie's favorite part was the bubbles. I loved how she was trying to blow the bubbles with that huge wand.
I loved watching them make their artwork.
Maddie's first attempt at water coloring...she did a really good job!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

That is a really awesome museum! The pictures are so cute! I also looked at the slide show you sent me! I will call you later about the cruise! Love you!