
Christmas twenty~ten.

I got the kids to pose for the traditional Christmas Eve picture before they opened their Christmas jammies.
I just LOVE the smiles on their faces as they rip into their presents!
Still loving Maddie's excitement....but what happen Taylor???

You know you are getting pajamas so why the "oh geez, they are just pajamas" face?  Oh yeah...every year he hopes it will be something else!  Nope!

But Maddie is so thrilled with clothes, and I LOVE that about her! (of course we all know I did that to her :P)
So as I was going through my pictures to post, I realized I took a lot of video, but not a lot of pictures...so here are a few of Christmas Morning...
Maddie got the coveted American Girl doll, she named her Megan.  She also got a bunch of outfits to change her into, and a bed for her.  She loves her and is so cute with her!
Taylor got the Nerf Stampede gun...the mother of all nerf guns.  He also got his own camera and the new Razor "Siege" scooter.  I didn't get any still shots, but I'm positive you will see a lot of photos with Taylor and the stampede, it's a real hit!

We are just so happy we were able to be together as a family this Christmas.  It was a nice quiet day!

That evening the news was reporting that a huge snow storm was headed our way...and boy were they right!

The next morning we woke up to a blanket of snow, and it continued to snow all day long!  (They even cancelled church!)  We ended up getting over a foot of snow.  Too bad we didn't have snow gear to go and play in it.

Taylor and Dale got to work shoveling the walks.  I went out and shot just a few pictures, but it was too cold and I didn't want my camera to get wet...so I went in and stayed :)

Whoops...the snow flake got Dale in the face!
They played in it for a little bit, but Maddie is like her Mom...we don't like to be cold or wet.
Taylor, on the other hand is like his Dad, he doesn't care...
I mean who shovels snow and plays in it for hours with just a hoodie on?

1 comment:

Nessa said...

haha LOVE the pic of Taylor not so thrilled about the cloths and Maddie SO excited for it! Your home looks so charming!