As Taylor put it yesterday when we were making a card for father's dAy...
He is tHe
BEST dAD in the wHole wIdE WoRld!
wHat a huNk of BuRniN' lOve!
Dale is a great dAD and loves his kids so much!
dAle and his faVorite giRl.
I just love these
oLd photos of my DaD.
pLayIng fOotBall in hiGh scHool.
Dad served in the Army Reserve and retired as a MaJor.
cUte little 1970's faMily.
mY dAd is also known as pOppy, and his 20 grandkiDs all aDore hiM.
hAppy fAtHer's DAy dAD and dAle!!!
We lOVE and appReciate all you do for uS.
My kids get to have Poppy all week. They enjoyed some good ear squeaking last night.
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