
School is OUT.

Taylor had his last day of school this week...What am I going to do???

I really need to get my act together and get some things planned before I go crazy!

Thank goodness the kids start swimming lessons next week, at least that gives us something to do...and hopefully our neighborhood pool will open this weekend, like they say it will!

Taylor had a fun last day of school. Maddie and I followed him around as he played all the fun activites they have for the kids. It rained that morning, so everything was really wet...Taylor even slipped and fell in the mud...on his booty! (there are a few bum shots where you can see that darn Oklahoma red dirt!)
Maddie had fun spending some time in Taylor's class while we waited for Super Kids Day to start. Speaking of Maddie...I can't believe she will be in school this next year...so crazy my little baby is growing up!

If you have any great ideas to help keep my kids busy and happy this summer...please share!


a Meers Burger & the Witchita Mtns.

Since we have lived in Oklahoma for almost 3 years we decided we needed to get out and see a little more of the state. We had heard about the Witchita Mountains from our friends that live down in Witchita Falls, TX. Then a few weeks back we were watching the Food Network and heard that the Meers burger was rated one of the top 3 bugers in the US...so we had to check it out!

My friend Colby warned us to be there when it opened or you would wait...a long time. We got there about 15 minutes after it opened, and the restaurant was already full, and we still had to wait about 30 minutes to get a table!
the Kids out in front of the old Meers restaurant.
Dale stuffed himself with a whole burger...you can see at the bottom of the picture how huge they are...that is only half...Maddie and I shared, and we together could only eat half!
When Dale saw there was homemade cherry cobbler and homemade ice cream, he decided to splurge...check out the portion! It was seriously so YUMMY!
This was what it looked like when we left...the line was out the door and up the street...I can't imagine how long it took them to get a table!

After our tummies were full we headed into the Witchita Mountains Wildlife Refuge on the lookout for some Buffalo...
We found lots of rocks for the kids...and Dad to climb on.

...and we saw some Buffalo and Texas Longhorn cattle! (that's where they get the beef for those Meers burgers!) The kids were too scared to get out of the car for a picture.
Maddie found some flowers to pick.
I decided to jump out and get a little closer too...Dale told me to put up my longhorns as I was running back to the car...and he caught it...so I had to share :)
On the top of Mt. Scott.
We had so much fun climbing around and just taking in the scenery...who would of thought Oklahoma could be so nice?!
Taylor would of climbed all day if we would of let him!
Maddie on top of the world!
Taylor took a turn with the camera...I've learned that if I let him take some pictures, he is more willing to be in a picture.
Two Thumbs up for the Witchita Mountains!



We were up in Tulsa this weekend for another Judo tournament...hopefully the last for a little while. It is fun to watch Taylor compete, but the fact you have to be there 5 hours before he even compete's is kind of a pain...literally! (you know those high school bleachers, without anything to lean your back up against). This tournament was really big, so it took even longer for Taylor's group to have their turn.

Here is a peek from where we were sitting...all the kids warming up.
Taylor waiting and watching.
His first "fight"...he pinned him in 10 seconds flat! I couldn't believe it!
His 2nd "fight"...this one was a bit longer then 10 seconds. This was a 9 year old boy, and apparently the kids Dad thought Taylor was choking him, and was very upset and was yelling at the ref's. It was a bit dramatic, especially being the Mom of the kid accused of doing the choking. It all turned out OK though...Taylor beat the 9 year old! (and Taylor was not choking the boy, there are at least 3 ref's that are watching carefully each round.)
Taylor hanging out with the Sensai...cheering on his teammates.
Maddie was wearing Taylor's belt around all day.
The final 3...Taylor took the GOLD again! Way to go Bud!
Watch out for this kid...you might not want to run into him in a dark alley!


tHe Many Faces of MaDDie.

I have been a busy girl this last week...so blogging has been put on the back burner. I also feel like there isn't much to blog about, or it's just not a priority lately....anyway, I had to share some funny pics of my girl...she is such a little cutie. She is also getting so big, she tells everyone that she is almost 4 instead of saying she is 3. She finished up her Mother's Day out program this week, which I know she will miss...before long she will be in Pre-K, it will be so weird to have both of my kids in school. What happened...how did my kids get so big???

Enjoy Maddie's Many faces...


Stuck on Maddie.

Maddie's favorite thing to do lately...get into the bandaid's and stick them all over herself.

You can see 5...but there are really 2 more you can't see.

At least we have a variety of choices for her...Hello Kitty, Barbie, Spongebob, and just the plain ole' clear.

...and NO she doesn't even have a scratch.